- 線上英文廣播 博客來學英文指尖記憶初級英檢(二)寫作練習
- 英文線上 博客來學英文職場英文進化術:從聽不懂到流利對談的學習奇蹟!(菁英篇)【1書+ 1MP3】
- 線上英文 博客來學英文感動世界的聲音:史上最具影響力的演講(英漢對照)(20K彩圖+1MP3)
- 測驗 博客來學英文6個符號高級英文法
- 如何學好英文 博客來學英文英文廣告
只能買Life (4) SB with CD-ROM-1片自己來K
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商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/vip--af000088096/products/0010663933
National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life, a six-level integrated-skills series that develops fluency in American English. Through an exploration of real world content from National Geographic presented through stunning images, text, and video, learners will strengthen their existing global connections while learning the English.
To encourage a generation of informed decision-makers, Life prepares learners to think critically while teaching the English skills needed to communicate effectively through:
?Information-rich topics that naturally promote curiosity and challenge learners to understand the themes In English on a deeper level.
?Developing the 21st century skills needed in a technology-rich environment, like questioning author's intention and using visual literacy skills to infer meaning.
?Explicit 'Critical Thinking' sections that take language learners from understanding, to evaluating, and finally to creating their own texts in English.
?New, user-friendly technology supports every step of the teaching and learning process from in-class instruction, to independent practice, to assessment!
作者: Paul Dummett, John Hughes, Helen Stephenson
新功能介紹- 出版社:東華
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2015/01/07
- 語言:英文
線上學Life (4) SB with CD-ROM-1片 線上英文 線上Life (4) SB with CD-ROM-1片學習 Life (4) SB with CD-ROM-1片 學習 線上Life (4) SB with CD-ROM-1片教學 線上學習英文
Life (4) SB with CD-ROM-1片 家教 Life (4) SB with CD-ROM-1片教學 線上Life (4) SB with CD-ROM-1片課程 線上Life (4) SB with CD-ROM-1片新聞 英文Life (4) SB with CD-ROM-1片英文線上課程
(中央社記者郝雪卿台中21日電)中部地區今天下午1時30分到2時將實施「萬安39號」演習,屆時將進行人車疏散及交通管制等措施。 台中市警察局指出,萬安39號演習將於下午1時30分至2時實施,採有預告、分區同時段方式,實施30分鐘的防情傳遞、警報發放、人車疏散、交通管制及戰災救護等實作演練。 市警局表示,這次全民防空演練期間,在不影響民眾上下班(學)與主要作息狀況下,演習地區內各公、民營工廠、公司照常營運作業,但須關閉門窗及實施人員管制(台灣電力公司不實施斷電措施)。 市警局提醒,演習警報發放後,人、車一律按規定接受警察及民防人員指(引)導,行防空疏散避難(軍事單位依其防空計畫實施),並引導民眾確實進入防空避難處所,居家者應緊閉門窗及實施燈火管制。1050321
線上英文廣播 線上Life (4) SB with CD-ROM-1片測驗 如何學好Life (4) SB with CD-ROM-1片 學好英文 學好 Life (4) SB with CD-ROM-1片的方法 Life (4) SB with CD-ROM-1片學好英文發音 如何學好 Life (4) SB with CD-ROM-1片英文文法161176C74B1F23EE